About me
After a thorough study of the sciences: Traditional Feng Shui, Traditional Chinese Astrology (BaZi – The 4 Pillars of Destiny), and Divination I Ching, I decided it was time to share with you this wonderful knowledge, which will surely have an impact especially on your life and will help you find answers to many questions.
As each of us goes through more complicated life situations and tries to solve problems, look for answers, I had the opportunity to get in touch with Chinese Astrology, Traditional Feng Shui, and Divination I Ching. These high-value sciences helped me find answers to all my questions along the way. As I have always been fascinated by these sciences and wanted to know as much as possible and deepen my knowledge in this field. Unfortunately, however, I was struck by commercial information, which filled my mind and soul for nothing.
First of all, I was fascinated by the accuracy with which certain things were revealed and later confirmed. I applied the information from Feng Shui, Astrology, and Division I Ching in my personal life and I found that things are starting to take shape and contour, and were headed in the direction I have always wanted.
I then proceeded to the analysis of the 4 Pillars of Destiny and to the Feng Shui analysis of the living or working space of those close to me. With every analysis I made I was confirmed that all these newly learned things are wonderful sciences, which could have the potential of taking us where we want, thus changing our lives for the better and showing us that dreams do come true!